MEMart is an art-therapeutic method developed by the School of Art Therapies and Expressive Psychotherapies in Rome, which allows alternating phases of group work with those of projection and identification, recomposition, and finally closing with a final verbalisation.

procedure implemented following systematic criteria in view of a purpose

encourages the expression of the group’s and individual’s creative skills

involves the alternation and repetition of phases (modules): fusion phase, imaginative-identification phase, recompositional phase, … , final verbalisation

the approach uses the techniques and languages and has the objectives of art therapy. It is also a non-interpretive art-therapeutic approach: the experiences expressed through the works and dynamics of the participants are not interpreted by the conductor but simply listened to and shared in the group. Through group work and individual recomposition, the possibility is generated for the participant to modify their works, thus activating the therapeutic process.